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Food waste to provide green gas for carbon-conscious consumers

"Biogas sourced from food waste and sewage is to piped into British homes under a new 'green gas' tariff"

Category: Energy sources


Climate change sceptics and lobbyists put world at risk, says top adviser

"• Chance to limit warming squandered, says scientist • World needs to prepare to cope with at least 3-4C rise"

Category: Climate Change


World's largest ice sheet melting faster than expected

"East Antarctic sheet shedding 57bn tonnes of ice a year and contributing to sea level rises, according to Nasa aerial survey" Findings come from the new gravity measuring sateillite.

Category: Climate Change


First test for record solar plane

"The prototype of a solar-powered plane destined for a record round-the-world journey has made its first trip across a runway."


Computer pioneer Sir Maurice Wilkes: vision and vacuum tubes

"Sir Maurice Wilkes, 96, one of the pioneers of British computing, strolls through the history the he helped create"

Category: Communications

Displaying results 886 to 890 out of 2977